Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Peer Review Follow-Up Script

a. Reading my other classmates papers showed me a broader idea of how different genres are compared. It's interesting to see the different areas that they specify and focus on.

b. The suggestions I received for my paper were mostly concerned with things that needed more detail or more development. One source would be thoroughly explained and analyzed, but another source would be overlooked a bit more in my paper.

c. I definitely agree with the comments made. It was helpful, because although I know my paper was weak in some points, I couldn't exactly pinpoint exactly where it needed work.Now that I've gave it some thought and overlooking, I know I will be using the suggestions made by my peers in my revision because it opened my eyes a bit to another way to view my own paper.

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