Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Visual Rhetoric Object

Thai Xiong
March 17, 2014
Visual Rhetoric
My topic is of fast food, and my main theme is many children are obese from overeating fast food. And the fault is no one’s but the parents. My visual object is going to be sort of spin off of Michelangelo’s painting, “The creation of Adam,” except it will be a three dimensional object. I’m going to create a 3D model of out paper, depicting two hands touching. The main difference being, instead of having God and Adam depicted, it will have a hand belonging to a parent, and a hand belonging to an obese infant. In between their hands will be a generic fast food bag, the hands, positioned similar to that of the painting.
I will be using of course, some form of paper and glue to hold together the model. I may use steel/metal wiring from hangers to help keep the form of the fingers. A crazy idea that I had was to have the entire thing made/covered out of McDonald’s bags, but that would be quite costly and I would need a lot of McDonald’s bags. But if I did, do this, it would further increase the effect that it has on its viewers what the cause of the obese infant hand is. In addition, I will have a toy ring placed on the adult hand, to signify marriage; making it obvious that the hand belongs to a parent.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your idea. Its really interesting how you are planning to put such a twist on your topic. I also agree that the MacDonald bags would add a smooth feeling to your 3-d object and take away from any distractions by making the whole object the same pattern. But either way this should be an easy to understand presentation with a clear and powerful meaning. Just be sure to keep the big meaning very apparent. I also enjoy how this view of your project in portraying the parent as the enabler to the infant. It really shows how our society is screwing its self over by feeding the young, who don't know any better, the garbage we consider food in this modern era. Good job and a nice powerful message, looking forwards to seeing it.
