Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Virtual Peer Review Script#1

Writer: Blake Baumgardner
Reviewer: Thai Xiong

      1.  The connection that you see with writing and your future career is brilliant. I’m quite envious of that. By far, your examples and explanations of how literacy and communication skills will be implemented is my favorite area of the paper.
a) Literacy and a person’s history are closely related. To understand an individual better, you should get to know both their personal and literacy history. 
b.) The body, while strong, doesn’t connect well with the intro. I believe if you fix the introduction paragraph to match your essay it will be a lot smoother.
c.)Yes, the essay does a good job of answering all the prompt questions and fulfills the requirements.
3. I would say the majority of the essay that needs editing would be mainly just the introduction paragraph. Shape and change it so that it runs with your body, for example by stating how subtle things in life can be beneficial to your literacy.  And also, it’d be good to know why and how football made you a different person, a specific event or time or even just the feelings that run through.
4. The essay is very well organized contains only one idea. Only exception is the first paragraph is a little vague in relation to the body.
5. Majority of this will be repeating what I said up above here. The paper is certainly strong when it comes to the body and how writing is further implemented in your career, but the intro kind of threw me off. It made sense, but just didn’t fit with the rest of the essay. Organization is excellent, keep it outlined like this. Lastly, I’d just like to see a little more detail in what specifically in football helped you change to the man you are today.

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