Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Response Paper 1

Thai Xiong
February 21st, 2014

Lately I’ve been watching inspirational videos from YouTube, and one of my favorites of those is titled “Why Do We Fall.” I chose this video because I feel like more people should be exposed to this kind of material, and be motivated as well. The main topic and messages of this piece covers the issues that stand in the way of each and every one of us. The video brings a slew of examples and speeches from many famous people, but they all relate to one point, that pain is temporary, but if one quits, it will be eternal. Pain will be there, whether it be studying, working out, or chasing your dreams, it will definitely be tough; you will fail a lot before you succeed.
All of the things discussed in the video, hit spot on with my own personal life. It’s painful to procrastinate, it’s hard to even start, to initiate studying or doing homework. But you just got to decide to take the pain, and move forward. For homework, education, working out, or just self discipline, this video relates precisely to my own life.
I watch these videos quite often, but honestly in irregular intervals. When I feel kicked down, when I lose hope, I look to these kinds of videos; however I think that it’d be beneficial to watch these kinds of videos daily. There’s nothing but positivity exerted from these motivation videos. As for me, I also have nothing but positivity exerted back when it comes to review and feedback for this video. The speakers dig deeply into dire situations, and they speak intelligent truthful words of life. The goal of the video seems to be to change the way we live, and it seems to be working.  

Also, be sure to watch the video yourself.  
The music itself is a bit much, but all to the impact to us viewers I guess.



  1. Thai,
    Really good review! Though I don't have the opportunity to watch this video at the moment, I too like to surround myself with positive people and positive thoughts. Hope to see you in class on Wednesday! (you already have 3 absences, FYI)
    18/18 pts

    1. Thank you. And yes, I know. Is there anything at all I can do to make up those absences at all?
